Ricochet Homes

Ricochet (Hébergement/Homes) is the only organization to offer housing and support solutions to people experiencing residential instability in the West Island of Montreal. Created in 2017, Ricochet responds daily to ensure the well-being of vulnerable people throughout the area.

Ricochet accommodates people aged 18 and over who suffer from residential instability and offers emergency services, transitional housing, a shuttle and social mediation, all while raising public awareness of respect for vulnerable people. Please see our website for more information.

If you or someone you know is in need, please contact us directly at (438) 497-4869 or by email at information@ricochetwestisland.com. It will be our pleasure to serve you.


Le Centre Option-Prévention TVDS


AJOI - Action Jeunesse de l’Ouest-de-l’Île