Paulette Zielinski - President-Elect

Member since 2016

Committees: Membership & Community Relations, Marketing & Communications, Funding & Finance

I was first introduced to the Kiwanis Club of Lakeshore Montreal in 2009. At that time, one of our Board Members, Velda Bourne, had approached the Club’s Board about our organization and we have been receiving funds from that time on. Though AWISH did not actively serve children, we did indirectly by taking care of their parents who were suffering from any of the 100 forms of arthritis and chronic pain.

Since 2010, I, as President of AWISH in a volunteer position, accepted to represent our organization at most of the Club’s events and volunteering at times on their behalf. It is an honour and a privilege to serve on their Board of Directors.

From 2016-2021, I was a Board Member for Ricochet Homes, a division of AJOI (Action-Jeunesse de l’Ouest-de-l’Ile). This allowed me to be active among our younger generation who either no longer live at home, have no access to social assistance, or are facing legal problems. Ricochet Homes is a social housing project with plans to include an emergency shelter to help our vulnerable youths to be served and remain in the West Island.

I have been President of AWISH since June 2006 and actively involved for 27 years. AWISH was founded in 1987 and has continuously served thousands of West Island citizens over the years. We offer specialized exercise classes, a pain management course, support groups (specialized workshops), as well as free conferences and mini-information sessions.

Without the financial support of the Kiwanis Club of Lakeshore Montreal, organizations such as ours would not be able to maintain affordable and/or free programs and would face closure.