Andy Sarrasin - President

Member since 1984 – 1988; 2009+

Ambassador of Kiwanis Foundation of Canada
Past Division Lieutenant Governor
Past President 2019-2021, 2021-2022

Ex-officio Member of all Committees

I first learned about Kiwanis as the youngest of 7 children during some very challenging financial times for my parents. For several years we would receive these gigantic Christmas boxes from someone called Kiwanis. Receiving food and special gifts from these strangers was truly magical and impacted my life forever! I always remember how special that made me feel and that one day I would also help children in need.

I joined the Kiwanis Club of Lakeshore Montreal in 1984 and have had so much fun helping countless children with my Kiwanis family.

Rachel (Rae) and I have been married for over 50 years and are blessed with one daughter, three sons and three grandchildren. The Kiwanis tradition continues as Rae and our daughter Jennifer fill important roles in our club!

Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and caring to change a person’s life.
— Jackie Chan