Le Centre Option-Prévention TVDS
The Centre Option-Prévention T.V.D.S., better known by its acronym TVDS for Toxicomanie, Violence, Délinquance et Santé mentale/Suicide, was created in 1996.
Its primary mission was to develop prevention programs related to these issues.
TVDS is proud to offer the fruits of its labor to the community of caregivers committed to the mission of helping people suffering from Alzheimer's to take a step towards their well-being.
T.V.D.S. is an organization in Lachine dedicated to helping teenage girls and young women living in very difficult situations.
The result of this work is a panoply of tools that can be of great use to those working in these four fields, and which are now available on this site.
If you or someone you know is in need, please contact us directly at (514) 898-9805 or visit our website for more information.