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Abraham Jolly, former residential school Survivor

Abraham Jolly, former residential school Survivor Lakeshore Kiwanis Montreal

Abraham Jolly

*Presented in English followed by a Q&A

Member of the Cree Nation, born in the community of Waskaganish, in the James Bay northern region of Quebec.

Abraham is a former residential school Survivor who attended the Horden Hall Residential School in Moose Factory, Ontario for (7) seven years. He graduated from High School in Ottawa, Ontario. 

He completed a Bachelor Religious Education degree at Briercrest College in Saskatchewan. He holds a Master of Arts Degree in Leadership and Management.  Abraham served as former Director General for Cree School Board from 2006-2021 and as Deputy Director General from 1999-2005.

He has recently retired and currently resides in Mistissini, Quebec, with his wife Linda.   

In his presentation to our club Abraham will talk about his journey from where he was to where he is now and beyond.

Please join us for what promises to be an interesting and educational talk.

Presentation available via zoom at 7 p.m. Please email us at for a link to join the meeting!

March 7

Rose Muhr, Corporate Engagement Advisor - World Vision Canada

May 2

Annual General Meeting