Ron Della Porta - Director

Member since 1997

Past President 2004; 2014-2016

Chair of Holiday Nuts & Cakes Campaign

Committees: Membership & Community Relations, Funding & Finance, Golf

I have always loved helping kids and when I was invited to a Kiwanis luncheon, I saw an opportunity to do even more for kids through Kiwanis.

I joined this club in 1997 and have never looked back. As the saying goes “time flies when you’re having fun” and I have had so much fun working with countless amazing Kiwanians along the way! Without a doubt I have been able to help thousands and thousands of more kids through Kiwanis than I could ever have done alone.

I live in the west Island, and with my wonderful wife Becky of 46 years have raised 4 great adult children and are also blessed with 5 grandchildren aged from 10 years to 1 month old. Besides serving our community, I enjoy playing scrabble, hockey, and many other sports with the grandchildren. And of course, walking our black lab every morning and night. Retirement has given me the opportunity to dedicate much more time to my passion for my family and for helping children.

Before retiring, I was a sales associate at Leon’s Furniture for 45 years. I was formally educated at Bishop Whelan in Lachine and Loyola College in Montreal West. But I got my higher education through the university of the streets, through my years at Leon’s, and through association with my Kiwanis family.

I live by the code “it’s all for the kids”, and as long-time Chair of the Holiday Nuts and Cakes Sales, I was affectionately dubbed “The Nutty Professor” by my good friend and Past President Andy.

Service to others is the rent you pay for your room on earth
— Muhammad Ali